Music royalties are amounts of revenue that parties using this song. The shape or form it is being used determines the type(s) of music royalty. In short we can distinct 5 types of music royalties called:

Performance Royalties

Royalties that are being paid everytime the composition is being used in public. Since 'public' isn't defined every time your music is being played you get a performance royalty. A very lucrative-one-in-all-basket type of royalty.

Mechanical Royalties

Royalties that are being paid everytime the composition is being manufactured on CD, downloaded on a retail site or through streaming services such as Spotify and Deezer.

Sync Royalties

Royalties that are being paid everytime to the 'sync' holder for some kind of media output.

Print Royalties

Royalties that are being paid everytime the composition is being used by a party for commercial purpose. Sheet music also falls under this category.

Grand Rights Royalties

Royalties that are being paid everytime the composition is being used in theatre and similar entertainment environments.